한국문화예술위원회 '2023년 예술-기술 매칭 사업'
실감음향기반XR x AI미디어아트 STRANGE CARD
전시장소 : 홍익대학교 AI 뮤지엄
전시기간 : 2023년 11월 15일 ~ 11월 23일(주말 및 공휴일 휴무)
▶지원기관 한국문화예술위원회 AI Art Lab (주)컬쳐커넥션
▶협력기관 MR Media Lab 홍익MR미디어아트텍센터 AI뮤지엄 & VR뮤지엄

We are always wondering what is going to happen next, in the future and how are we going to deal with any dilemmas.
Time is current and also the future.
We are living in time and time does not wait it always comes towards us as we purely exist.

We search for answers as we question every moment,
and when we catch ourselves in conflict we start to reply on objects which can predict the future.
One traditional and international method is tarot card reading.
By picking individual cards we ‘expect’ and wonder for certain ‘guidance’.

The random card we pick gives us a story, a narrative to follow our future with.
The card you are about to pick will give you guidance and hopefully will lead you to your next destination in time.

© Alice Hyegyun Jung