b. 1987 LA, USA
based in Seoul, Korea

Alice is a Korean American artist who builds
and experiments with new media and technology.
She holds an MFA from UCLA, Design Media Arts
and a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design (RISD).
Currently, she is expanding her field at Hongik University
as a PhD researcher in the Film and Digital Media.


b. Los Angeles, USA, 1987 | based in Seoul, KR


Hongik University (홍익대학교 대학원) 2021~
Seoul, South Korea
Graduate School of Film & Digital Media
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) 2015-2017
Los Angeles, California, USA
Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Design|Media Arts

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) 2006-2010
Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Sculpture

Central Saint Martins (CSM) Summer 2013
Granary Square, King's Cross, London, United Kingdom
Short Courses: Textile Workshop, Digital Print on Textile, Computer for Textile Design

RISD Study Abroad Program: Rome+Venice, Italy
Painting Studio and Architecture History. Summer 2007

S O L O  E X H I B I T I O N

Avatar Design & TCI, Qingyiatang Exhibition Hall, Ninbo University, Jiangbei, China
Vaselike, Future University Hakodate, Hakodate, Japan
STRANGE CARD, AI Museum, Hongik University, Seoul, KR
Curiouser Curiouser, EDA, The Broad Art Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Room, Seogyo dong, Mapo Gu, Seoul, Korea
5 POINTZ Art Space Project <Water> , 5 POINTZ Art Space Gallery, Sinsa dong, Seoul, Korea
Suicide Girls, Gallery Palais de Seoul, Tonge dong, Jongro Gu, Seoul, Korea

G R O U P  E X H I B I T I O N

2025   Co-evolutionKISD 32th International Space Design Invitation Exhibition, Ninbo University, Jiangbei, China
2025   Hyper Morph: 초감각적 변형과 흐름, AI Museum, Hongik University, Seoul, KR
2024   AI Digital-Based Media Convergence Talent Program, MBC Golden Mouse Hall, Seoul, KR
2024  Spatial Sound, KISD 31th International Space Design Invitation Exhibition, Oil Tank Culture Park T6 Community Center, Seoul,  KR
2024  Healing Space, KISD 30th International Space Design Invitation Exhibition, HoMA, Hongik University, Seoul, KR
2024  Being-There, KISD 29th International Space Design Invitation Exhibition,
Future University Hakodate, Hakodate, Japan
2023  Hyper Space, KISD 28th International Space Design Invitation Exhibition, AI Museum,
Hongik University, Seoul, KR
2023  DESIGN KOREA, KSDS International Fall Exhibition, COEX D Hall, Seoul, KR
2023  14th Meet Design Poster Exhibition, Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, KR
2023  A Brand’s Worth, KISD 27th International Space Design Invitation Exhibition,
National Museum of Korea, Seoul, KR
2022   The Future of Sustainable Public Design,26th KISD INTERNATIONAL SPACE DESIGN EXHIBITION, DDP Design Pathway C, Seoul, KR
2022  Creator’s Market with RISD Korea, Platform-L Contemporary Art Center, Gangnam, Seoul, KR
2022  AI Media Art Group (Style Transfer Work) II, Everland, Yongin, KR
2021  TIME SIMULATION : AI Media Art Exhibition, AI Museum, Hongik University, Seoul, KR
2021  AI Media Art Group (Style Transfer Work), Everland, Yongin, KR
2017  Delete me, UCLA New Wight Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA
2017  Far Bazaar Art Fair, Cerritos College, Cerritos, CA, USA
2016  Free As In, UCLA New Wight Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA
2016  Sorry For Not Being _____, Untitled Café, Broad Art Center, CA, USA
2014  HIPPINESS, Rorang Gallery, Habjung dong, Mapo Gu, Seoul, KR
2014  13 PROJECT, Mesenapolis Gallery, Habjung dong, Mapo Gu, Seoul, KR
2013 Splash Into Blue (F.I.T/Fashion Institute of Technology, New York),
5 POINTZ Art Space Gallery, Sinsa dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, KR
2013  Art Direction, Seoul Handcraft Institution, Seoul Small Business Administration (SBA), Danuri Gallery, Apgujung dong, Seoul, Korea
2013  A&C Art Fair, SETEC Center, Daechi dong, Seoul, KR
2013  Korean Illustration Artists, CJ powercast, Incheon Airport, Incheon , KR
2013  Mhanwon, Golmok Gallery, Itaewon, Seoul, KR
2013  The Bitch, That Culture Gallery, Sangsu dong, Mapo Gu, Seoul, KR
2012 Salon de Fantastic RISD, 915 Gallery, Sinsa dong, Seoul, KR
2012  Les Enfants Terribles, Pirimo Piano LivinGallery, Lecce, Italy
2012  <Gi (),Hung (),Jung ()>, 798 Asia Art Center, Beijing, China
2012  Something About ( ), Miel Gallery, Chundam dong, Seoul, KR
2012  KASF (Korea Art Summer Festival), SETEC, Daechi dong, Seoul, KR
2012  SOAF (Seoul Open Art Fair), COEX, Samsung dong, Seoul, KR
2012 PHYSIOGNOMIES, Pirimo Piano LivinGallery, Lecce, Italy
2011 Design Art Fair, Seoul Art Center, Seocho-dong, Seoul South KR
2010  Re/connected, Insa Art Center, Insadong, Seoul, KR
2010  Some Pulp, 232 Webminster Gallery, Providence, RI, USA
2010  Senior Sculpture Show, Woods Gerry Gallery, Providence, RI, USA
2009  Pleasure Zone, Mathewson House, Providence, RI, USA
2008  The Common But the Unknown Portrait, Wo Ain I, Seoul, KR
2007  Sweaty Sculpture Magic, RISD Farm, Barrington, RI, USA
2006  #510: If The Shoe Fits…, Betty Rymer Gallery, SAIC, IL, USA


CEO, ArtCade Corp., South Korea, 09.2023-present
MR Media Lab PhD Researcher, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea 02.2021-present
Korean Institute of Spatial Design, Standing Committee Judge 03.2019-present
PADI free diver and underwater model certified 09.2020-present
Lecturer, Hanshin University, South Korea, 03.2022-01.2023
Lecturer, Korea National University of Welfare, South Korea, 03.2019-12.2020
Graphic Designer, Sportek International Inc, Commerce, California, 09.2017-2018

Teaching Assistant at University of California Los Angeles
Bob Israel, Narrative, 2016
Victoria Vesna, Art+Science, 2016
Erkki Huhtamo, Design Culture, 2015

Director, Alindia, Seoul, South Korea/Gujarat, India 2015-2017
Art Director, 5 POINTZ Art Space, Seoul, South Korea 2013

Library Assistant, Material ConneXion. NYC, New York 2009
Studio Assistant, Do Ho Suh. Ilsan, South Korea 2008
Studio Assistant, Han Su Lee. Seoul, South Korea 2007

G R A N T S  &  A W A R D S

Division Director Meritorious Service Award
Seoul, South Korea

Excellence Award
Top-performing Trainee Award
AI Digital-Based Media Convergence Talent Program
Seoul, South Korea

Best Award
Seoul, South Korea

Best Award
Seoul, South Korea

Evelyn and Mo Ostin Award
Los Angeles, CA, USA

UCLA Design Media Arts Scholarship
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Gentle Monster Quantum Project
Seoul, South Korea

RISD Scholarship
Rhode Island, USA

P R E S S  &  F E A T U R E S

2024 May, Korean Institute of Spatial Design vol.97
“A Study on Avatar Types and Characteristics According to Virtual World Paradigms - With focus on Representative Platforms by Generation”
/ 버추얼 월드 패러다임에 따른 아바타 유형 및 특성 연구 - 세대별 플랫폼 중심으로-

2024 March, Korean Institute of Spatial Design vol.95
“Types and Characteristics of Idol Avatars in Metaverse Entertainment Platforms” / 메타버스 엔터테인먼트 플랫폼에서의 아이돌 아바타 사용 유형 및 활용특성

2022 November, International Conference on Global Trends in Gaming (ICGTG 2022)Introduction to Avatar, p. 317

2022 Korean Institue of Spatial Design vol.78
“Lifelogging in the age of metaverse : technical challenges and social issues”

2020 voidLab
2015-2017 archieve catalog

2016 April, Lindsay Weinberg, Daily Bruin, Arts, Theater & Fine Arts,
Feminist collective voidLab held poster exhibition at Broad

2016 March, Carol Yao, Daily Bruin, Theater & Fine Arts,
Student’s solo art exhibition draws curiosity on fluidity of identity

2014 January, Amelia Roblin, TREND HUNTER
The Sweeeeet Tableware Set is Made From Traditional Korean Dessert

2013 April, INHABITAT, Interior Design
Edible Sweeeeet Tableware is Made From a Traditional Korean Confection

2012 June, Suesasha Joung, Eloqunce International Creators Magazine
volume 51, Artist Interview section pg. 48

2012 May, Art In Culture,
People-New Artist Alice Jung Interview

2012 April, Meghan Young, Trend Hunter,
The Glass Hammer by Alice Jung Explores Stereotypes and Identities

2012 Designers Party, featuring Alice Jung’s work

Fluent in Korean and English

MINZI - Beep Beep Beep

This music video and music is all created by AI.

AI 디지털기반 미디어 융합인재 1기

본 영상은 2024년 AI 디지털 기반 미디어 융합인재 사업의 일환으로 과학기술정보통신부 정보통신진흥기금을 지원받아 제작한 것입니다.
과학기술정보통신부 (Ministry of Science and ICT)
정보통신산업진흥원 (National IT Industry Promotion Agency)

Created by team COVERT (Alice Hyegyun Jung, Huyn Jun Sim, Jieun Kim, Jiyoung Kim)Special Thanks to JOYJIN


한국문화예술위원회 '2023년 예술-기술 매칭 사업'
실감음향기반XR x AI미디어아트 STRANGE CARD
전시장소 : 홍익대학교 AI 뮤지엄
전시기간 : 2023년 11월 15일 ~ 11월 23일(주말 및 공휴일 휴무)
▶지원기관 한국문화예술위원회 AI Art Lab (주)컬쳐커넥션
▶협력기관 MR Media Lab 홍익MR미디어아트텍센터 AI뮤지엄 & VR뮤지엄

We are always wondering what is going to happen next, in the future and how are we going to deal with any dilemmas.
Time is current and also the future.
We are living in time and time does not wait it always comes towards us as we purely exist.

We search for answers as we question every moment,
and when we catch ourselves in conflict we start to reply on objects which can predict the future.
One traditional and international method is tarot card reading.
By picking individual cards we ‘expect’ and wonder for certain ‘guidance’.

The random card we pick gives us a story, a narrative to follow our future with.
The card you are about to pick will give you guidance and hopefully will lead you to your next destination in time.

XR Twin Simulation Duo Performance

Time Simulation

본 전시에서는 아티스트와 함께하는 XR트윈환경에서 인공지능 저작 툴을 이용한 초실감 미디어아트 융·복합 프로젝트를 선보입니다.
이번 전시회 참여 작가 2분 [ 동양화 : 유하라 / 서양화 : Alice Jung]과 협업을 통해 각각의 스타일로 전이된 인공지능 저작 툴을 활용하여 텔레프레젠스 환경에서 초실감 미디어아트 작품환경을 관람해보세요.

[MR Media Lab] 프로젝트 총괄디렉터 한정엽/다중프로젝션 콘텐츠제작 임익수/영상시스템 구축 박주현/스페셜오디오 구축 오상민/작곡 STEVEDK/아트PM 안세진/기술PM 이하은/인공지능 저작도구 개발 용창민/3D 그래픽 김해솔 신지민/인공지능엔진 운영 정주영/영상촬영 및 편집 백선웅'5G connected XR 및 트윈 환경에서의 인공지능 기술 기반 미디어아트 R&D 전문인력 양성'사업의 일환으로, 문화체육관광부 및 한국콘텐츠진흥원의 지원을 받아 홍익대학교, 서울미디어대학원대학교, 연세대학교, 브이알애드, 클릭트, 날다팩토리가 함께 참여하고 있습니다.

*본 전시는 문화체육관광부 및 한국콘텐츠진흥원의 연구개발지원사업으로 수행되었음(과제번호:R2020040238)

Alice In Everland

*이번 학생들 작품은 삼성물산(주)에버랜드리조트와 홍익대학교 대학혁신지원사업의 연구비 지원을 받아 개발되었습니다.
*제작된 작품은 MR Media Lab에서 보유한 초고화질 AI 스타일 전이 엔진(stNET: style transfer NETwork)을 이용하였습니다.




Brand Collaboration 
Show room Installation

GENTLE MONSTER http://www.gentlemonster.com/

A narrow hallway was covered with mirrors on both walls and the ceiling. Eight televisions at the end of the hallway were displaying Chinese character (會者定離 去者必返) and playing Hollywood movies in the background. The Chinese characters mean,“Those who meet will part, and those who go will comeback.” When viewers walk in, lights turn on and mirrors show infinite reflections of themselves, Chinese characters, and movie clips, symbolizing what we experience with other human beings again and again throughout our lives-meeting and parting.

© Alice Hyegyun Jung